It turns out that the split panel is capturing the mouse when you start the resize. After a bit of digging, I noticed that for we just stop getting the mouse events when the mouse moves over the iframe. Googling turns up something kinda similar:
It was pointed out to me that if you drag a MyGWT-derived dialog box over the iframe, all is good. However, dragging a regular GWT-derived dialog box over the iframe exhibits the same problem.
Do some digging, and I find out that MyGWT is covering the entire browser window with a transparent panel. The dialog is parented to this panel. The panel adds an event preview, and only allows events to go through to the dialog.
Sounds ugly, but I give that a shot...when the split panel resize starts, create a panel, make it as big as the browser window, and then only allow events through if they're destined for the splitter:
RootPanel root = RootPanel.get();Inside the onEventPreview() method for this panel:
setPixelSize( root.getOffsetWidth(), root.getOffsetHeight() );
DOMHelpers.setZIndex( getElement(), DOMHelpers.getTopmostZIndex() );
root.add( this, 0, 0 );
setVisible( true );
DOMHelpers.setZIndex( splitElem, DOMHelpers.getTopmostZIndex() );
DOM.addEventPreview( this );
public boolean onEventPreview( Event event ) {
Element target = DOM.eventGetTarget(event);
// Cancel the event if the target is not the splitter...
return ( target == splitElem );
Finally, when the resizing is done, clean up:
DOM.removeEventPreview( this );RootPanel root = RootPanel.get();root.remove( this );setVisible( false );
Since, of course, this is only a problem in FireFox, compile, deploy, and test it out. And, it still doesn't work. :-(
Left over from a previous attempt at solving this problem, I had changed the split panel class to implement EventPreview. Once I added code in there to duplicate the handling of Event.MOUSEMOVE and Event.MOUSEUP from the onBrowserEvent()....voila! It all works!